How to Monitor HP 3PAR/Primera/Alletra 9000-Series Storage Systems with Storage Analyzer KM

How to set up a policy in BMC TrueSight/Helix to monitor HP 3PAR/Primera/Alletra 9000-Series storage systems via REST API.

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This article explains how to configure the HP Primera (WBEM) adapter to monitor HP 3PAR, Primera and Alletra 9000-Series devices via their embedded SMI-S provider.


Before configuring the policy:

For optimal performance, we recommend reserving 2 CPU cores and at least 4 GB of RAM for operating the Storage Analyzer KM. The amount of memory allocated to the Java engine of the KM may be adjusted via the /SENTRY/STORAGE/collectionHubHeapSizeMax configuration variable. For more details, refer to:


  1. Log in to TrueSight/Helix Operations Management

  2. Create a new monitoring policy:

    • Specify the general properties and agent selection criteria
    • Add a monitoring configuration
    • Select the Storage Analyzer solution
    • In the Storage Configuration section, click Add to create a new Endpoint

    HP Primera - Creating the TrueSight/Helix Monitoring Policy

  3. Configure the Endpoint Settings:

    HP Primera - Configuring the Endpoint Settings

  4. Configure the Endpoint Connection Settings:

    HP Primera - Configuring the Endpoint Connection Settings

    • Provide the Username and Password
    • Specify the port (5989 by default)
    • Check Encryption if using the HTTPS protocol.
  5. Configure the Advanced Settings:

    HP Primera - Configuring the Advanced Settings

    • In large environments, we recommend increasing the values of the Discovery and Polling Intervals to maintain the workload of the PATROL Agent and monitored systems at a reasonable level.
    • Since volume monitoring is highly resource-intensive, we recommend disabling it if not needed to reduce the workload on the KM and PATROL Agent.
    • Because displaying thousands of volumes will have a huge impact on the PATROL Agent and on BMC TrueSight/Helix, volumes are discovered but NOT displayed. Uncheck the Hide Volume Instances box if required.
    If you are using JRE/JDK v17+ and you are getting this error message:

    " Caused by: java.lang.IllegalAccessException: class org.sblim.cimclient.internal.http.HttpSocketFactory cannot access class (in module java.base) because module java.base does not export to unnamed module @4e6ffbb4"

    in the Configuration Variables tab, add the /SENTRY/STORAGE/collectionHubAdditionalArgs configuration variable with –add-opens java.base/ value and restart the PATROL Agent. For more details, refer to WBEM-Based KMs/ETLs Stop Working After Upgrading JRE to v17+

  6. Save the policy and verify that it applies to the right PATROL Agent.

  7. Allow the KM some time to discover your storage system(s). Access the Devices page and search for their hostname, IP address, FQDN, or custom MetaFQDN/Device Name. You can also refer to the article Identifying and Locating Devices in TrueSight to learn how to run the below PSL script in the Query PATROL Agent window:

        nodes = get_vars("/".CLASS_NAME, "subnodes");
        foreach node (nodes)
        objectPath = "/".CLASS_NAME."/".node;
        instanceName = get(objectPath."/MetaFQDN");
        output  = [output, "Device Name:  ".instanceName ];