Monitoring Studio: Monitoring Restricted Shell Platforms

The “Badly placed () 's” error may occur when monitoring restricted shell platforms if the system type set for the monitored host is not correct. The System type to be set for this type of host is Other.

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The error “Badly placed ()’s” may sometimes appear in the annotation point of the CorrectionErrorCount or Status parameter, or in the result of a Command Line Monitor. This error occurs when monitoring restricted shell platforms remotely and when the system type set for the monitored host is UNIX/Linux, rather than Other.


The procedure will vary depending on the console used (PATROL or BMC TrueSight Operations Management).

PATROL Console

To solve this issue, you will have to change the System Type of the faulty host to Other. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Export the group configuration:
    • Right-click the group containing the faulty host > KM Commands > Export Configuration.
    • Leave the Clear host and credentials information unchanged and click Next.
    • Enter the path and name of the file on the PATROL Agent system to back up the configuration and click Next. A cfg file is created.
  2. Modify the System Type to Other:
    • Edit the backup configuration file (.cgf file) previously created in Notepad.
    • Search for the systemType string.
    • Change REPLACE = "unix" to REPLACE = "Other"
    • Save your modifications.
  3. Delete the group containing the faulty host:
    • Right-click the group and select KM Commands > Delete.
    • Click Yes.
  4. Import the updated configuration:
    • Right-click the Monitoring Studio main icon and select KM Commands > Configuration > Import Configuration
    • Enter the path to the folder containing the configuration file previously edited and click Next.
    • From the pull-down list, select the required configuration file and click Next.
    • Verify the import summary and click Next.
    • Click Finish

BMC TrueSight Operations Management Console

To solve this issue, you will have to edit the policy containing the faulty host and set the System Type to Other. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Log on to Central Monitoring Administration.
  2. Edit the policy containing the faulty host.
  3. Click the Monitor Configuration link.
  4. Select the Monitoring Studio Monitor Type and click inline.
  5. In the List - Monitor Groups section, select the required Monitor Group.
  6. Scroll up to the Host Settings section and change the System Type to Other.
  7. Click Modify Selection.
  8. Click Update.
  9. Click Finish.