CIM_ERR_FAILED Errors Occur When Running EMC WBEM-Based ETLs with Java v11.0.15 or Newer

How to troubleshoot the CIM_ERR_FAILED errors triggered when running Storage All-in-One ETL, Dell EMC Unity CIM Server ETL, or EMC SMI-S Agent ETL with Java v11.0.15 or newer.

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When using EMC WBEM-Based ETLs (EMC UNITY, EMC SMI-S, and Storage All-in-One) with Java versions 11.0.15 or newer, we may encounter random SMI-S ETL failures with the following error message:

ERROR: 2023/06/29 11:15:01 CEST ; Thread 30 ; EMC ; com.sentrysoftware.ammo.optimization.AbstractSentryETL ; $Revision$ ; serviceImpl | Failed to connect to the remote host https://vmax:5989 with the admin login using the WBEM/CIM-XML protocol. The server returned 'CIM_ERR_FAILED' | EXCEPTION SignatureException : Signature length not correct: got 255 but was expecting 256 | java.base/ Source) | java.base/$Delegate.engineVerify(Unknown Source) | java.base/ Source) | java.base/$DHServerKeyExchangeMessage.<init>(Unknown Source)


There are two possible solutions:

  1. (Recommended) Configure a new Storage - All-in-One Extractor Service ETL task and select a Storage Solution leveraging REST such as Dell EMC VMAX (REST), Dell EMC Unity (REST) etc. Refer to Storage Intelligence Library Reference Guide for more details.

    This is the recommended solution, as since version 10 of Dell EMC Solutions Enabler/Unisphere for Vmax/PowerMax, the SMI-S provider (ECOM) and WBEM protocol are no longer supported.

  1. Alternatively, you can configure a remote scheduler with a java version older than 11.0.15. In that case, use the CUSTOM_JAVA_HOME property in the file (usually stored in the /opt/bmc/BCO folder on the remote ETL engine server), to specify a custom Java path for the ETL: