Log/flat files located in a shared folder with UNC path can be monitored under the following conditions:
The Credentials used are configured as System Credentials
Agent Default Account Credentials must have access to the shared folder
The template is associated to the localhost (PATROL Agent hostname)
Configure and Test the Default Account
Before creating the monitoring configuration, you must verify that the PATROL agent’s default account has access to the network location where your log/flat file is located.
The PATROL agent’s default account settings can be viewed or changed from Agent > PATROL Agent Settings > Default Account.
- Verify that the default account has access to the location of the file to be monitored. For example, this can be done from within the Monitoring Studio X console, using the Shell.
Create the Host and Template
Follow the product documentation to create your host and monitoring template.
i. Create a Host entry for the local system on which the PATROL agent and Monitoring Studio KM are installed. In our example, it is
.ii. Configure the host with empty System credentials (thus using the PATROL agent’s default account).
Add a File Monitor to the Monitoring Template
Specify the file path as the UNC path to the file. In our example, the log file logfile1.txt
is located under a shared folder with a UNC path: \\FSHOST\sharedfolder\logfile1.txt
The credentials for the monitor must be set to System Credentials.
Specify the other File Monitor parameters as necessary for your implementation.
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