How to Determine When to Disable Hardware Monitoring When Configuring a Storage Policy in BMC Helix Operations Management

This article explains how to verify whether hardware monitoring is supported for your storage systems when configuring a policy in BMC Helix Operations Management.

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When configuring a policy for the Storage Analyzer KM in BMC Helix Operations Management, you can choose to either enable or disable hardware monitoring. While this feature works for most storage systems, it is important to confirm that your platform supports hardware monitoring via a specific protocol before enabling it.

This article explains how to check whether hardware monitoring is supported for your storage systems and when to disable it.

Note: Hardware monitoring requires the Hardware Sentry KM to be installed.


To check whether hardware monitoring is supported for your platform:

  1. Open the .si file corresponding to the platform to be monitored and stored under:

    • %PATROL_HOME%\lib\si on Windows
    • $PATROL_HOME/../lib/si on Linux
  2. Locate the hardwareConnectors: line:

    • If a hardware connector is specified (e.g.: MS_HW_EMCDiskArray.hdf):

             # EMC Storage Information
             # SI attributes (metadata)
             metadata :
                 name: Dell EMC VMAX (WBEM)
                 version: 31
                 vendor: Dell EMC
                 platforms: [ VMAX, PowerMax]
                 category: Storage
                 reliesOn: EMC SMI-S Agent (ECOM)
                 defaultPort : 5989
                 protocol: WBEM
                 hardwareConnectors: [MS_HW_EMCDiskArray.hdf]
      • verify that the .hdf file exists in the directory for Hardware Connectors:

        • Windows: %PATROL_HOME%\lib\MS_HW_hdf
        • Linux: $PATROL_HOME/../lib/MS_HW_hdf

        If it is present, you can enable hardware monitoring in your policy:

        Storage Analyzer KM Policy - Enabling Hardware Monitoring

    • If no hardware connector is listed:

        metadata :
            name: Dell EMC Unity (REST)
            version: 31
            vendor: Dell EMC
            platforms: [ Dell EMC Unity All-Flash ]
            category: Storage
            reliesOn: Unisphere Management REST API
            defaultPort: 443
            protocol: REST
            #hardwareConnectors: [.hdf]

This means hardware monitoring is not supported for this protocol. In such cases, uncheck the Hardware Monitoring option during policy configuration.

If hardware monitoring is not available, it may still be possible using a different protocol or connector. For example, Dell EMC Unity can be monitored using the WBEM protocol and the MS_HW_EMCUnity.hdf connector.

Sentry Software continuously updates adapters and connectors. If the manufacturer begins providing hardware information via the protocol, updates will reflect these changes.

Refer to the below articles for examples of storage monitoring configuration: