This article explains how to configure a Microsoft SQL Database Monitor in Monitoring Studio X v10.4+ using Windows/Active-Directory-integrated Authentication.
For this setup:
- SQL Server authentication is automatically managed by Microsoft’s JDBC driver.
- The PATROL Agent’s default account is used to connect to the database, meaning no additional credentials are required for the monitored MS SQL Server within the Monitoring Studio X template. Therefore, no credentials should be entered in the Host configuration.
Make sure that:
- Monitoring Studio X v10.4+ is installed and the following .dll files are present in the %PATROL_HOME%\bin directory:
C:\BMCSoftware\Patrol3\bin>echo %PATROL_HOME%
C:\BMCSoftware\Patrol3\bin>dir/w mssql-jdbc_auth*.dll
Volume in drive C is Windows
Volume Serial Number is 0C1C-47AB
Directory of C:\BMCSoftware\Patrol3\bin
mssql-jdbc_auth-9.2.1.x64.dll mssql-jdbc_auth-9.2.1.x86.dll
2 File(s) 574,480 bytes
0 Dir(s) 187,651,960,832 bytes free
The Windows/AD account:
has the right to access the Microsoft SQL database:
belongs to the Local Administrators group on the system where the PATROL Agent is installed
is specified as the “Default Account” for the PATROL Agent.
Step 1: Setting the PATROL Agent’s Default Credentials
To execute the query, Monitoring Studio X uses the PATROL Agent’s default credentials, which can be configured through the /AgentSetup/defaultAccount configuration variable. This variable should be set to the appropriate Windows/Active Directory (AD) account for authentication.
You can use the pconfig/wpconfig tools to set this configuration variable as illustrated below:
pconfig +get -host helix-agent2 | findstr /i defaultAccount
"/AgentSetup/defaultAccount" = { REPLACE = "SENTRY\\sup-admin/$-4$-$FC1544E9D095709ECAAEBEA1E2649D791986257C86973B48FC2345B15A91CABCF1E6A61F2BAD158BFF737DD03C24" },
Step 2: Configuring your monitoring template
- Access the Monitoring Studio X Web interface at
- Define the host on which the Microsoft SQL Database to be monitored is installed. Leave the system credentials empty.
- Define your monitoring template:
- Provide the template general information
- Select Microsoft SQL Server as the Database Type and click Create
- Add the Database Query Monitor, provide the required information as explained in the User Documentation and click Create.
- Select the host you previously created, associate the required Microsoft SQL monitoring template, and click Save.
Step 3: Validating your monitoring template
From the Monitoring Studio X Web Interface
- Access the Database Query Monitor you previously created
- Perform a Dry Run against your host:
- Verify that the query is successful.
If the following error occurs, edit the host configuration and leave the system credentials empty:
Using the KM’s JDBC client
On the PATROL Agent Windows machine, log in using the defaultAccount (in this example, SENTRY\sup-admin):
C:\BMCSOF~1\Patrol3\bin>java -jar X_matsya-module-jdbc.jar jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=master;integratedSecurity=true "SELECT * FROM sysdatabases"
Sep 03, 2024 9:45:06 AM enableSSL
WARNING: TLSv1 was negotiated. Please update server and client to use TLSv1.2 at minimum.
master;1;01;0;65544;1090520064;2003-04-08 09:13:36.39;1900-01-01 00:00:00.0;0;110;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\master.mdf;706;
tempdb;2;01;0;65544;1090520064;2024-08-28 12:07:38.97;1900-01-01 00:00:00.0;0;110;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\tempdb.mdf;706;
model;3;01;0;65536;1090519040;2003-04-08 09:13:36.39;1900-01-01 00:00:00.0;0;110;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\model.mdf;706;
msdb;4;01;0;65544;1627390976;2012-02-10 21:02:17.77;1900-01-01 00:00:00.0;0;110;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\MSDBData.mdf;706;
vra;5;0105000000000005150000000EBD1A76EE4C854EE7FE8E08F4010000;0;65544;1434529792;2016-07-13 11:49:15.377;1900-01-01 00:00:00.0;0;100;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\vra.mdf;706;
Step 4: Exporting your monitoring template
When you successfully complete step 3, export the monitoring template as described in the user documentation. Take note of the template ID (in our example, mssql
) as you will need it later while configuring the BMC Helix policy.
Step 5: Configuring the BMC Helix Policy
Log in to Helix Operations Management
Create a new monitoring policy:
- Specify the general properties and agent selection criteria
- Add a monitoring configuration
- Select the Monitoring Studio X solution and Version 10.4.00 or higher
In the Monitoring Studio Configuration section, click Add to create a new monitored host.
Provide the host general information. Make sure to leave the System Credentials blank
In the Host section, click Add to configure associated hosts (MS SQL Server):
- Provide the hostname/IP address of your MS SQL Server
- Click OK.
- Scroll down to the Templates section and click Add:
Associate the template you previously exported from the Monitoring Studio X Web Console:
- Specify the Template Internal ID, Database Name/Service Name, and Port
- Set the Authentication Mode to Windows Authentication.
- Leave the Username and Password fields blank.
Review the information:
If everything is correct, click OK and Close
Go to the Configuration Variables tab and click Import to add the template you previously exported via the Monitoring Studio X Web console.
After a successful import, all configuration variables should be displayed as shown below:
If this policy applies to the same PATROL Agent on which the template was created, switch the KM to CMA mode as explained below:
- From the Monitoring Studio X Web Console, go to STUDIO>Studio Settings>KM Engine.
- Make sure Force Classic Configuration Mode is switched off
- Restart the PATROL Agent.
- Check that KM is now in TrueSight CMA mode:
Open the Console to make sure the policy has been applied and is working fine:
Related Topics
- Monitoring Microsoft SQL Server with Monitoring Studio 9.4.xx
- Loading Custom JDBC Drivers in Monitoring Studio
- How to Migrate Monitoring Studio X Policies from TrueSight to Helix Operations Management
- Monitoring Studio X - Monitoring Remote Log/Flat Files
- How to Monitor Dell EMC Unity Storage Systems with Storage Analyzer KM