Pausing the Monitoring of Endpoints Before Firmware Upgrade or Maintenance Activities

How to pause the monitoring of servers and/or endpoints before any firmware upgrade or maintenance activity.

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During firmware upgrade or maintenance tasks, Hardware Sentry KM or Storage Analyzer KM can fetch some unexpected values, causing the generation of unnecessary events. To prevent these false alerts from being generated, it is recommended to pause the monitoring of the systems and/or endpoints before any maintenance or update activity. The monitoring of your systems and/or endpoints can be resumed when the maintenance activity is complete.

Pausing the monitoring of systems and/or endpoints

From the Monitoring Studio X Console

From the Monitoring Studio X console, select the system or endpoint to display its details and click Pause. Click Resume to continue the monitoring.

From BMC TrueSight Presentation or BMC Helix

To pause the monitoring of your systems and/or endpoints, you will have to run PSL commands on your PATROL Agents using the Agent Query Tool. The PSL commands will vary whether you wish to stop a system monitored by the Hardware Sentry KM or an endpoint monitored by the Storage Analyzer KM.

Hardware Sentry KM: PSL commands to run to pause the monitoring of a system

  1. Run requires MS_HW_q;hostsInfo(); to obtain the ID of the monitored systems
  2. Run requires MS_HW_q;pause("/MS_HW_MAIN/SystemID"); to pause the monitoring of one system. SystemID should be replaced by the ID previously obtained (Example: requires MS_HW_q;pause("/MS_HW_MAIN/pc-emc-2");).
  3. Run requires MS_HW_q;resume("/MS_HW_MAIN/SystemID"); to resume the monitoring of your system (Example: requires MS_HW_q;resume("/MS_HW_MAIN/pc-emc-2");).

Storage Analyzer KM: PSL commands to run to pause the monitoring of an endpoint

  1. Run requires SKM_q;endpointsInfo(); to obtain the ID of the monitored endpoints
  2. Run requires SKM_kmshared; swPauseResume("SKM_ENDPOINT", "EndPointdeviceID", 1); to pause the monitoring of one endpoint. EndPointdeviceID should be replaced by the ID previously obtained.
  3. Run requires SKM_kmshared; swPauseResume("SKM_ENDPOINT", "EndPointdeviceID", 0); to resume the monitoring of your endpoint.