Troubleshooting WMI-Based Connectors

How to use WBEMTEST to troubleshoot WMI-based connectors that are not working as expected.

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If your WMI-based connectors are not working as expected, you can use WBEMTEST.EXE to troubleshoot the issue.

WBEMTEST is only compatible with Windows servers. For Linux/Unix servers, use other [WBEM-based tools](/kb/1233/index.html).


In this example, we will run the following queries with WBEMTEST to ensure that the IBM Director Agent 6 - Windows connector is working properly:

Query2="SELECT Version FROM IBMPSG_DirectorAgent"
Query3="SELECT ProductName FROM IBMPSG_ComputerSystemDetails"
ExpectedResult= There must be an instance of the IBMPSG_ComputerSystemDetails class

The steps described below can be performed against any connector using the WMI protocol, as long as you know the appropriate namespaces and queries.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. On a Windows system, click Start, Run, type WBEMTEST and press Enter. The Windows Management Instrumentation Tester is displayed:

Launching WBEMTEST.exe

  1. Click Connect….

  2. Run the Query1 (SELECT Name FROM __NAMESPACE) against the root namespace:

    • In the Namespace field, enter \\<target_hostname>\root (in our example: \\morgan\root)

    • Provide valid credentials to establish the connection to the remote target host. You should use the same credentials as the ones used when configuring Hardware Sentry.

    • Click Connect

      Testing Query1 - Providing the root namespace

    • Click Query:

      Testing Query1 - Configuring the query

    • In the Enter Query field, type SELECT Name FROM __NAMESPACE and click Apply:

      Testing Query1 - Configuring the query

    • In the namespaces returned, search for root/ibmsd:

      Testing Query1 - Searching for root/ibmsd in the namespaces returned

      If the root/ibmsd namespace is not found, check your IBM Director Agent installation. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.

  3. Run the Query2 (SELECT Version FROM IBMPSG_DirectorAgent) against the root\ibmsd namespace:

    • In the Namespace field, enter \\<target_hostname>\root\ibmsd (in our example: \\morgan\root\ibmsd)

    • Provide valid credentials

    • Click Connect

      Testing Query2 - Providing the root\ibmsd namespace

    • Click Query

    • In the Enter Query field, type SELECT Version FROM IBMPSG_DirectorAgent and click Apply:

      Testing Query2 - Configuring the Query

    • Double-click the result found:

      Testing Query2 - Checking the result

    • Scroll-down and verify the version of the IBM Director Agent:

      Testing Query2 - Verifying the version of the IBM Director Agent

      If it is version 6.x.x, proceed to the next step.

  4. Run the Query3 (SELECT ProductName FROM IBMPSG_ComputerSystemDetail) against the root\ibmsd namespace:

    • Click Query
    • In the Enter Query field, type SELECT ProductName FROM IBMPSG_ComputerSystemDetails and click Apply:

    Testing Query3 - Configuring the query

    • Highlight and double-click the result found:

    Testing Query3 - Viewing the result found

    • Search for an instance of the IBMPSG_ComputerSystemDetails class:

    Testing Query3 - Searching for the IBMPSG_ComputerSystemDetails instance

If the IBMPSG_ComputerSystemDetails WMI class is not instantiated, the connector will return the following error message:

"The IBM Director Agent seems to not be working properly. Please reinstall the IBM Director Agent."