Hardware Sentry KM: Some OS Commands Fail and Return no Result

What to do when OS Commands time out and return no results.

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Because the default timeout for OS Commands is set to 30 seconds, any command that require more time to return a result will produce the following error:

Description: OSCOMMAND TEST on localhost: FAILED
The following command-line failed to match the criteria:
- CommandLine = /usr/bin/iostat -En
- ExpectedResult = Soft [Ee]rrors.*Hard [Ee]rrors.*Transport [Ee]rrors

Actual result (see below):

This issue can simply be solved by increasing the value of the defaultCommandTimeout configuration variable.


To modify the value of the defaultCommandTimeout variable:

  1. Run wpconfig.exe
  2. Click inline to get the configuration of your PATROL Agent
  3. Go to the Edit menu and select Add Variable
  4. inline

  5. In the Variable field, enter: /SENTRY/HARDWARE/defaultCommandTimeout
  6. In the Value field, specify the time in seconds after which the OS commands will time out (in our example 300 seconds)
  7. Click Add.
  8. Click inline to apply your changes to the PATROL Agent’s configuration.
  9. Restart the PATROL Agent.