Enabling CIM Server on the ESXi System

How to enable the CIM server and restart the relevant services.

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The CIM server should be enabled for the Hardware Sentry KM to retrieve environmental information from the server. This article explains the procedure to enable the CIM server and restart the relevant services.


  1. Launch the VSphere client and logon to the server you wish to monitor using the user credentials used for monitoring.

  2. Navigate to the Configuration tab.

  3. Click Advanced Settings.

  4. Set the value of UserVars.CIMEnabled to 1.

  5. If you have LSI or Emulex cards, enable the respective CIM Providers.

    Enabling CIM Providers

The CIM server of the ESXi host may fail to respond at times or the KM may not be able to communicate with the CIM server. In such circumstances you can try restarting the CIM server:

  1. Logon to the ESXi host with the account you use to monitor.
  2. Then run the following commands:

/etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog stop

/etc/init.d/sfcbd-watchdog start