Monitoring Studio X Unexpectedly Hangs or Consumes High CPU When Running a JRE Higher Than 8

Solution to implement if Monitoring Studio X unexpectedly hangs or consumes high CPU when running a JRE higher than version 8.

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The Collection Hub process of Monitoring Studio X gradually consumes all processor time. As more and more threads get stuck in an infinite loop, the Collection Hub is no longer able to respond to requests and the HTTP server slows down to halt. As a consequence, the Web UI of Monitoring Studio X hangs and times out.

The problem does not occur if you are accessing the Web UI through the TSPS Component of Monitoring Studio X.

The Collection Hub process is a Java process that can be identified with this command line:

java -Xms128m -Xmx512m -jar /opt/bmc/Patrol3/bin/X_matsya-core-java.jar -locale:C

The above command line may vary depending on your environment.

This problem is a known issue with TLS 1.3 in versions of Java greater than 8, as reported by Oracle in JDK-8208526 : TLS 1.3 half-close and synchronization issues.


To solve this issue:

  1. Log in to Monitoring Studio X.
  2. Go to Agent > Java Settings.
  3. Add -Djdk.tls.acknowledgeCloseNotify=true to the JVM Arguments.
  4. Save these Java Settings.
  5. Click RESTART to restart the Collection Hub.
If you cannot access the Monitoring Studio X Web interface because it is not responding, you will need to kill the java process described above. The Java process will be respawned automatically after 10 seconds. You will then be able to connect to the interface and go through the above procedure.
Alternatively, you can connect through TrueSight, with the Monitoring Studio X TSPS Component.

If the problem persists, a reboot of the system may be required.