By default, the file size limit has been set to 8MB to prevent a PATROL Agent overload. When performing string searches or numeric value extractions on a file that has a size greater than 8MB, the KM stops the operation at 8MB and triggers an alarm on the CollectionErrorCount parameter with the following annotation:
[WARNING] Log_Server_Monitoring - Flat File Monitoring: The file 'c:\MS_HW_localhost_debug_km_3181_2016-05-04-11-05.log' exceeds the size limit of 8388608
To solve this issue, you just have to modify the value set in the maxFileSizeRead configuration variable.
To modify the maximum file size limit:
- Run wpconfig.exe
- Click
to get the configuration of your PATROL Agent.
- If you are using Monitoring Studio:
- v8.6.54, double-click the /MASAI/SENTRY8/ directory
- v9.0 or 9.1, double-click the /SENTRY/STUDIO directory to apply your changes globally or the /SENTRY/STUDIO/<host-id> directory to apply your changes to a specific host
- Double-click the maxFileSizeRead variable to set the required size in bytes. To know the number of bytes to indicate, you can multiply your value in Megabytes by 1048576.
- Click OK.
- Click
to save your changes.
- Restart the PATROL Agent.
Related Topics
- Monitoring Studio: Monitoring Remote Log/Flat Files
- Log File Monitoring: Searching for a String and Triggering Alarm for each Occurrence
- Monitoring Studio: Extracting Values from a Multiple-Line File
- Monitoring Studio: File Monitoring on Dynamic Files
- Monitoring Studio: Getting Automatically Notified by Email for an Error in a Log File