Unable to Monitor Hardware Using SNMP-based Connectors with PATROL Agent v.

How to solve the hardware monitoring problem encountered when using SNMP-based connectors with PATROL Agent v.

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SNMP-based connectors are not working as expected when using PATROL Agent v. with Hardware Sentry KM for PATROL, although the configuration is correct (SNMP community string, port, etc.). The error message “Unable to snmp_walk on…” appears in the KM debug logs or in the System Output Window even though the SNMP walk/get command works properly.

Note: To ensure that the SNMP Walk command returns results, you can perform the snmpwalk -v1 -c HOSTNAME OID command in a third-party utility (e.g. snmpwalk) against the same OIDs.


This is a known issue identified for the PATROL Agent v. and registered as QM001859325 (PATROL Agent terminated abnormally when snmp_walk PSL function referred the uninitialized memory block.)
To solve this issue, you just have to update to PATROL Agent v. or higher.