Generating Log Files for Storage ETLs

How to generate Log files for the storage ETLs to help diagnose the source of a problem.

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The Sentry Software support team may ask you to provide log files to better diagnose the nature of a problem. You can either choose to:

  1. Collect logs for a specific ETL (recommended)
  2. Grab all logs

The above methods require to:

  • Set the log level to 10 - Verbose.
  • Wait for the connector to collect data (usually 1 hour). On some rare occasions, a highly detailed collect (discovery) is required. In that case, the scheduler service will need to be restarted.

Setting the Log Level to 10 - Verbose

To configure the log level:

  1. Access the BMC TrueSight Capacity Optimization Console.
  2. Edit the Storage ETL Run Configuration:
    • In the Administration tab, click ETL & System Tasks > ETL tasks.
    • Click the relevant link.
    • Click the Stop button to stop the service execution; then click the inlineEdit button available in the Run configurations section.
  3. From the Log level pull-down list, select 10 - Verbose to add detailed activity logs to the log file.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click the inline button to start the active configuration.

Method 1 (Recommended) - Collecting Logs for a Specific ETL

Since version 6.0.00 of storage ETLs, the Sentry Software's connectors logs are available in the BMC TrueSight CO console and can be easily collected by clicking the Show Log button available in the Extractor Service page. The procedure to retrieve these logs is as follows:

  1. Access the BMC TrueSight Capacity Optimization Console.
  2. Make sure that the log level is set to 10 - Verbose (see Setting the Log Level to 10 - Verbose).
  3. Wait for the connector to collect data (usually 1 hour). On some rare occasions, a highly detailed collect (discovery) is required. In that case, the scheduler service will need to be restarted.
  4. Go to the relevant storage Extractor Service page:
    • In the Administration tab, click ETL & System Tasks > ETL tasks.
    • Click the relevant storage Extractor Service link
  5. Click Show log.
  6. Click Collect logs.
  7. Wait for the archive to be generated.
  8. Click inline to download the archive.

Method 2 - Grabbing All Logs

The log files of all BMC TrueSight Capacity Optimization components can be easily retrieved by running the log grabber. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Access the BMC TrueSight Capacity Optimization Console.
  2. Make sure the log level is set to 10 - Verbose (see Setting the Log Level to 10 - Verbose).
  3. Wait for the connector to collect data (usually 1 hour). On some rare occasions, a highly detailed collect (discovery) is required. In that case, the scheduler service will need to be restarted.
  4. In the Administration tab, click System > Maintenance.
  5. Open the Maintenance Activities tab.
  6. Click inlineto execute the Log Grabber.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Select the host for which you wish to obtain logs and click Proceed to execute the Log Grabber.
  9. Refresh the Maintenance Activities page to check the request status.
  10. When the request status is "ENDED", click to view the deployment log.
  11. Click inline to download the deployment log.